Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pacifica under cork...

Just as counting Donald Trump's lies inevitably becomes an exercise in futility, so it goes if one sets out to chronicle the instances of mis-judgement and ineptitude that forge a path to Pacifica's obscurity. I use the term "obscurity" rather than death, for even the most generous of principled listener-supporters knows that the Pacifica Foundation has been on life support for many years and that the prognosis shows no sign of improvement.

We who admired Lew Hill's concept and took delight in seeing it blossom, always knew that it was—by its very nature—an ongoing work in process. My own involvement began as a volunteer at WBAI, but I later had the good fortune to play an active role at the Foundation level. We owned three radio stations and shared with a growing listenership the compelling spirit that fueled them. It didn't matter that we (listener-sponsors, volunteers and paid staff) had our artistic and intellectual differences—in fact, that was as it should have been—but we had as a common goal the perpetuation of founder Lew Hill's determination to create a significant voice in the wasteland that commercially-driven broadcasting was becoming in the late Forties.

With defiant integrity, whether expressing political or artistic observations, we kept our eyes and ears on the road ahead, while never losing sight of the past. We made no special effort to maintain a high intellectual level, but raising it was instinctive; as was gaining and developing our listener-sponsors' trust.

In the past few years, not only has that trust been shattered—the listenership has reached the nadir principled quality broadcasting could have avoided. I can speak most authoritatively about WBAI, but it is obvious that the disease of greed, inflated ego and ignorance is Foundation wide.

What used to matter, no longer does, what used to shine brightly, has become dull and utterly insignificant, what once enriched our intellect, misinforms. 

This blog was born out of love. When I resumed listening to WBAI after a long tuned out period, I was appalled by what I heard, but did not see it as a hopeless situation. I soon realized that the people at the helm knew or cared little for the station's remarkable birthright—it brought me back to the late Sixties when Larry Josephson and Steve Post seized an opportunity to fill a managerial vacuum created by Frank Millspaugh's considerable shortcomings. This is when they trampled all over Pacifica's principles and created for themselves personality-based shows that launched the dumbing down of WBAI's programming that now—decades later—has brought WBAI to a sub level of listenability.

When my offer of advisory assistance was ignored by management, I knew that I was fighting an uphill battle; it became clear that the station was undergoing a drastic downgrade under a managerial staff that had its own agenda, if any. I eventually decided to make this blog a forum for discussion and a platform for venting and whistleblowing. As we approach an access count of one million, I have given up any hope I had for restoration.

Currently, manager Reimers has all but disappeared and Linda Perry has been given the task of repairing the pathetic program schedule, but while some dross has been heaved, the racially biased leitmotif seems to have intensified. The message, of course, is that WBAI's "community" is ancestry-based and there is no sign of the kind of substantial improvement WBAI would need for  it to be taken seriously again. Giving credit where it is due, Linda Perry has cleaned up the act of some destructive predecessors, but Reimers is still there, simmering the books and pulling the wrong strings as he collects his $110,000.00 salary; ineptitude reigns and the Pacifica National Board fights and fizzles behind its closed door.

Below, are some links that sample the output of what has become New York's least meaningful radio station. I will be adding to this from time to time, posting notification at the top of the blog, but here is a look at a recent SPARK NEWS issue wherein Ken Mills is his usual informative self, and a painful moment from the dreadful Morning Show that has Michael Haskins singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". That he rebroadcast this "performance" on last Tuesday's show lends a hollow ring to his self-criticism. That Linda Perry hasn't taken Haskins off the air bodes ill for her restoration attempt. 

Then there's the contentious upcoming Pacifica election. One wonders why the PNB hired Mr. Drew to benefit from his advice, then ignored it when he gave it. One wonders less why Mr. Drew resigned.

Read/listen on...

Pacifica's involuntary transparency as observed by Ken Mills' SPARK NEWS.

Haskins sings shamelessly

Graeme Drew letter of resignation.

November 13 Marathon report reflects another Reimers failure to grasp reality.
Here, too, is the full meeting.


As always, WBAI's path of self-destruction is perfectly timed. The just finished, painfully low-yielding Fall fundraising marathon ended about ten days ago. Reimers' assurance that the vital multiple phone line system was being reinstalled turned out to be just so much hot air (what else is new?), but now Max Schmid declares mission accomplished (see his notice, below). Waiting until the six-week WBAI garage sale has tanked is in keeping with the ass backwards approach we have come to identify with Pacifica. Oh well, the rummage rip-off reopens December 4th... will the phones ring? Will David Rothenberg, Max, and others operating a personal WBAI franchise sell more of their junk? Will these people ever learn? 

From: Max Schmid <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: [wbai-indy-caucus] Master control
...we have most of our old phone numbers back! We again have ten lines in MAster, plus two VIP lines, restoring full functionality. We also have the old marathon number back, so now Rothenberg can give out one number that rings on several extensions. 


  1. With respect:

    As you know, I disagree with you as to the worth of Post's and Josephson's programming.

    That said, I think we can agree that it's been an eternity since the place ever mattered, and the chances of its ever mattering again, are very slight.

    They simply couldn't find a way to die.

    Or the courage.

    ~ 'indigo, pirate'

    1. As someone who was there and in the thick of it, I rely on my memory and my own documentation of same (some of which I posted here a few years back). I know that time is often regarded as a healer, but the venom spewed by these opportunists (and often aimed at truly dedicated coworkers) did not dissipate with their departure. In fact, Post and Josephson planted the weed from which today's utterly useless Pacifica sprouts.

      I can understand how these egomaniacs might impress anyone who felt a need for WBAI to lighten up, but at what cost? Tune in for the sad answer.

      I know you agree with me when I say that WBAI did indeed find a way to die—just not permanently, but it will happen and a pitiful few will give a damn.

  2. Why don't you ask the new NES Alma Viscarra about the election Chris? She was running the election in Houston and has now replaced Mr. Drew who wisely decided to exit once he saw the state of the membership lists. I think she's over there having lunch with Adriana...CAN YOU HEAR ME?...Hold on...I'm talking

  3. You shouldn't feel bad Chris. You can't help people that don't want the help. They've turned a community radio station into a life and death grudge match. They have nothing personally at stake and nothing to lose so they have little incentive to compromise. They're just not interested in abiding by their own rules. They're going to do what they want when they want no matter what. Even the directors who would seem to be liable don't seem overly concerned about being on the hook for all those loans they know they can't possibly pay back. Reasonable people show up with good intentions. They are greeted by the reality of the situation and then find themselves with a choice. Spend a lot of time and effort trying to change this stubborn group for little gain or go somewhere else. Invariably they exit never to return horrified at the spectacle of these meetings.

  4. I love the content analysis in the sparks article. 64% of a 41 minute meeting segment is arguing.
    ARGUING. i.e. Adriana SCREAMING and Benito doing his best Shatner impression. 10% voting. You know they could just use an instant messaging tool or text but that would not be as much fun as doing roll calls and hurling insults as you place your vote. 4.5 minutes procedural is probably par for the course. They don't prepare for the meetings at all and don't care about the rules so it could easily be worse.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Today’s Spanish expression of the day is “vergüenza ajena”
    (ver-gwen’-za ah-hane’ uh). It means the shame or embarrassment you feel for someone else.

    WBAI is constant vergüenza ajena. The senile producer who forgets what he’s talking about in the middle of a sentence or who falls asleep during a phone call, Fat Kaffy pimping triple helix milk, or Michael Von Haskins singing or philosophizing.

    Vergüenza ajena all day, every day.

  7. Rumor is PRA day raised just over $75,000. On 5 stations for 15 hours.

  8. Listened to the National Finance Committee meeting and from what I could tell, they are still working on the 2018-19 budgets for most of the units, which means they won't go to the PNB for approval for probably another month or two or more... So 7 or 8 months into the fiscal year to get an approved budget? I heard it said that the WBAI Budget shows $250,000 deficit and doesn't include any payments to Pacifica National or Archives.

  9. ***we have most of our old phone numbers back! We again have ten lines in master, plus two VIP lines, restoring full functionality. We also have the old marathon number back, so now Rothenberg can give out one number that rings on several extensions. ***

    Wonder what this cost and what "consultant" was paid....

    1. I don't know the cost of this installation, nor the monthly fee it will incur, but it could probably have been had for less money—those two VIP numbers, for example.

      That said, this is an expenditure that should have been made a long time ago. A normal sense of priority would not have allowed the station to go this long without such an essential tool. Had Reimers known the fundamentals of running a station like WBAI, he would have raised the money on or off the air. He is totally clueless and useless—a complete waste of money.

    2. If the have any sense, they bought a trunk with 12 talk paths. The first 10 paths are for on-air callers, the last 2 are the so-called VIP lines. You can have as many numbers as you want, but only have 12 call running at a given time

      Knowing Reimers, he purchased actual lines (one number to each line) and is paying the same ammount, without the benefits of a trunk.

  10. And let's take our first call....

    Q: How long before phone company disconnects for non-payment?

  11. In an effort to raise funds..
    Announcing the all new WBAI Dating App....
    WBAI.ORGY - Yes you can be a 'BAI Fuckbuddy
    You'll enjoy all the great dating features:
    You can only swipe left!
    Your date never pays, and they never "deliver what you're wanting".
    WBAI date chaperones include Arrianna, Cerene, Mimi and Kathy to make sure you don't say anything out of order, patriarchal, racist or have any leftover cake at dinner.
    We match you on ten important points:
    Incontinence diapers recycling
    Anti-white rhetoric
    compatible neurosis
    matching unconscious racisms
    Walker/wheelchair Stamina at Pro-Palestine Anti-Israel protests
    first time dater/long time lurker
    How many times a night you can get it up (go to the bathroom for weak prostate or small kidneys)
    Sugar Mama/ Sugar Daddy status (unlocks a special date WBAI management level)
    Religious Beliefs: Do you belive Monroe Litman went to Heaven or Hell?
    Call now to become a 'BAI Fuckbuddy or goto WBAI.ORGY
    What have you got to lose? (besides your savings or virginity?)


    1. Jara, a fine clip, but I am not able to imagine its relevance to the subject at hand. Can you or someone else enlighten me?

    2. The distortion of the Pacifica hope, of its promise, that affectivity & idea are objectified as the girl. Those rejected by the distorters, yet refusing to disengage, those affects & thoughts are objectified as the boy. An allegoric tale of pain & of regret, & ultimately of self-destruction & of loss.

