Friday, November 2, 2018

Dried up PNB Stream

The Shitstorm Which Is Pacifica

Pacifica National Board Meeting, 1 November 2018

The slow-swirling shitstorm which is Pacifica continues. Incoherent, roilsome, pointless, as ever, the efforts at mitigation of iED Livingston proven pointless, as are the first efforts of ED Maxie Jackson.

These people are who they are.

They are incapable of change, prideful in their sense of self and of self-defined 'mission', absent any audience for their happy little shitstorm-dance.

It's who they are, it's what they do.

This evening's festivities consisted of a lengthy secret legal session, absent report out, subject(s) undisclosed.

As usual, as ever.

Their sole reason for existence, their elections, were formally concluded several days ago when the National Election Supervisor concluded that, given the state of records and rolls, it was literally impossible to proceed with elections as mandated as to form by Pacifica's Bylaws.

The Pacifica National Board, absent any applicable or relevant authority, voted to proceed nonetheless.

It's who they are, it's what they do, it's what they're about.

As for what they're not about...?

Providing content anyone cares to listen to, and absent any support from their membership other than that provided by various miraculous health cures and other such scams, their eternal internal machinations are the sole means they have of imagining they actually exist.

They don't. Not really.

Not really.

Doubt any of this assessment?

Open the door and give a listen.

PNB SESSION Nov. 1, 2018 - Part 1
PNB SESSION Nov. 1, 2018 - Part 2
~ 'indigopirate'

1 comment:

  1. this below is a recent comment added to Pacifica in Exile = the-now-apparently-defunct source of much PNB and financial data before it quit posting.

    It had [last 2 articls were re 1 KPFA's show being cut out-[ written in Aug 2018]
    and the prior 5 stations' informative posts were from July 2015 thru April 2018].

    Then that abandoned site seems to leave us HERE as the last whole of Pacifica place to share info re any of 5 stations.

    A prior query in Oct at Pacificainexile was no where to be found there after, nor answered.
    No one may now be home or caring to reply [takes few moments' time & a bit of attn. A loss for all the rest of us who want to stay involved, but only if there is a bit of leakage of info of actual operations, plans, finances or problems at Our Station or the License-holder.

    Otherwise, the murkiness left creates not only distrust but dismissing donations, not giving.

    comment: ""While we readers have always thanked you, appreciated your access to information about all PACIFICA stations, their finances -and some notable problems that finally surface to be exposed - the sudden silence has left the void unfilled.

    KPFA is not the best, most listened or cared about station, but may be your local, favorite and also one whose managers have been most stealthily trying to steal the whole of Pacifica. before. What terrible claims to importance or value !

    Can you at least direct readers here to another source of some information, if not as wide, full of facts, as this WAS ?
    The fact that donations were not given is not the main reason, was it ? - as mentioned above.

    Were the problems so totally changed with different top-PNB deciders in charge? Was that the main purpose here to get that change and then all else left untended, unrevealed ?

    No one is obligated to work for free or for love of what they do. Most people who put in time, effort do so at their own and for the value of what they do/ produce/service shared.

    The silence here has left only "WBAI now and then" blog as the only place to hear more than the haranguing $$$-fund raising and personal program promotions. has also receded.

    The secrecy existing in all 5 stations, that was before this site emerged .continues deafening now too. Sad. Worse for all donors, listeners and the whole org. too. " FYI too.
