Friday, December 21, 2018

Contemptuous Yes or No?

This latest display of contempt for the members, the listeners, & apple pie, is revealed in all its audible glory here.

This latest display of contempt for the members, the listeners, & apple pie, is revealed in all its visible glory here.

'FJC' . . . 'Jehovah' . . . 'G-d' . . . is there a difference?

Here—courtesy of "indigo pirate'—is another copy of the above audio clip. It is skillfully reduced to less than 8 minutes without loss of essence. 


  1. At this point I think it may be fairly clear, at least in my judgement, that seeking Ch11 a year ago would have been the better course. The loan makes sense, as was stated from the first, if and only if it buys time for Pacifica to get its shit together. That was always a questionable concept given the people who are Pacifica and its decades-long sordid history.

    Ch11 offered some hope of something being saved, salvaged, possibly even re-created.

    At this point, they're simply continuing to double-down, while 'discussing' this and that. As it slips ever further away.

    If it weren't for the encumbrances presented by the FJC loan, I'd expect some discussion to evolve about the possibility of Ch11 or of selling some units to try and save others.

    The FJC loan, so far as we know its terms publicly precludes those options.

    They chose to bet everything on a doubtful possibility of transformation.

    Reminds one, ironically, of the current American President, doesn't it?

    ~ 'indigopirate'

  2. The PNB members just extended their terms until the election. Are you not impressed by their dedication Chris or should I say chutzpah?

    1. Looks like they are stretching self-endowed flexibility—again.
