Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Keep on votin'


The continually secretive PNB is still sending out confusing, evasive messages regarding the forthcoming Pacifica election. Just as we thought we saw a glimpse of restored honesty, they had another "executive" meeting and kept the door shut. Here is a brief note slipped under that door today:

October 30, 2018

The PNB met in closed session on October 30, 2018.

The Executive Director has accepted the resignation of the NES and the NES's final report and the Pacifica National Board authorizes the ED to proceed with the 2018 elections and make the necessary hiring decisions to allow the election process to continue.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Crosier
Pacifica National Board Secretary Pro Tem


  1. Wait! The eternally nasty, bitter, hateful, resentment-filled jealousy-consumed little ol' clusterfuck that is Pacifica is something people find difficult if not impossible to work for or with?



    ~ 'indigopirate'

  2. To be fair, or to make the attempt, at least:

    1. I don't know that we have enough actual information to tell. Perhaps after tomorrow's meeting we'll have a clue?

    2. This may very well be an impossible task.

    For years, after all, since their abandonment of the orginal ideals in favor of their preferred incarnation of advocacy they've failed and failed and failed again, surviving narrowly simply because they're effectively inherited exceedingly valuable assets.

    Trump and the current incarnation of that which labels itself 'conservatism' and which is in fact anything but conservative, have for some time (Trump being merely the most recent aspect of a long-developing trend) managed to survive nicely on hate, bitterness, and resentment.

    Pacifica has made the attempt to do the same from the left, but to date continues to fail.

    Perhaps one might charge them with a certain loathsome consistency complementary to that of the right, but far far far less successful?

    ~ 'indigo'

  3. This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. No one said a word about elections despite growing concerns and questions. Then they hire a guy from Canada to run the election a couple of months ago and don't tell anyone. The guy says he can do the election by the end of the year but when he gets the inaccurate, incomplete voter lists, the reality of Pacifica sets in. Rather than do Berthold's job, he cuts bait and heads for the exit while the PNB frantically insists their new ED get this election in on time.
