Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Bates departed....

Linda Perry has just confirmed that Bates quit today (May 2, 2018) and that Berthold Reimers will handle the rest of the just-started fund drive.

Berthold's official announcement

Programming Manager
Berthold Reimers
Today, 9:15 PMWBAI Staff Announce (

Programming manager, Tony Bates, resigned as of today. Address any business dealing with programming to me.

I will be sending a more detail e-mail concerning this funddrive. As of currently, thaere has not been much collaboration or input from producers. If this continues there will be severe consequences for WBAI’s survival.
Berthold Reimers WBAI Radio 99.5 FM General Manager


  1. Not to mention that he might be out of a pay check, Bertie - be nice to the people who earn your salary. Bad Kharma awaits, just ask Joe Frank.

  2. Can't help wondering what imminent iceberg Bates saw before he jumped ship.

  3. Maybe one of the people who used to stop him on the street offered him a job?

  4. Wanted: program manager
    requirements: put up with entitled producers, ability to promote laughable premiums and wacky conspiracy theories, able to operate autonomously under absentee management, experience managing ad hoc programming grids that serve no purpose
    Successful candidates must complete anti-oppression and sensitivity training within six months of hire date. Anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders need not apply.

  5. wow, he finally quit. The last straight man @ WBAI leaves. The rest are confused men with no purpose. Looking forward to Berthold's resignation.

  6. Perhaps the more detail email will also explain why, as of currently, thaere has not been much evidence of competence or command of English.

  7. Party at the Commons. That bleeping bleep is gone. Drinks on SDL. You're next Brady.

    1. That exit line should be forming on the right—headed by Berthold Reimers.

      I notice that they continue to run old, stale and guaranteed ineffective pitches with Bates as a talk-on. Yesterday, the pathetic Prescod of PFK was heard making her perennial "threat" to cease re-screaming an undesirable 2016 campaign "gift" offering.

  8. How much fundraising money is Marie/Maree Faustin bringing into the station with her nonsense show "Tale Tales in the Big City"? Her guests are simply not funny and a lot of their stories sound like absolute bullshit!

    1. It is a silly, chatty waste of air time that, I suspect, does not feed the piggybank. I may be wrong, but Ms. Faustin was probably led aboard by Bates or the equally clueless Jeannie Hopper.

    2. People have different tastes in
      Late night radio. Its a literary
      Program. I think it's way cool sucker!!
      Not a boring program.

    3. People have different tastes in
      Late night radio. Its a literary
      Program. I think it's way cool sucker!!
      Not a boring program.

    4. Her program is by no means among the worst, but the moth concept should be in better hands.

      I wonder whatever became of Reimers' request for the host/producers to engage in self-evaluation? It seem to have been dropped like so many ideas these clowns have but cannot realize.

  9. You are correct about Bates bringing Faustin aboard and displacing Basir Mchawi to a later slot. Right now Bates is on pushing one of his old tired promos concerning "historical mounds". Why would Reimers continue to air someone who has allegedly quit the station under less than friendly circumstances?

    1. Reimers does not operate with full deck.

    2. What are you a psychologist now?
      GM Reimers is 52 cards ahead of you. (And he has to waste some of the best cards on ageing cry babies
      At the station).
      Long time listener

    3. They re-run Bates because they think his hammering of history rewrites will bring in more money that Haskins' slaves, Luciano's pathetic figurative KIWI makeup, Kathy's homespun healing, Mimi's plantation memories, etc.

      Isn't bozo Berthold about to deliver another make-believe manager's report? :)

  10. I haven't paid any attention to WBAI in a couple of weeks and return to this good news. Interesting, indeed, that Bates should quit being king, considering the old line about being better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. Like anyone, I am curious why he left.

    From the sound of things, when I turned the station on, they are still hawking the same old crap on the beg-a-thon, including playing shows hosted by Bates. Nothing has changed, I guess.

    Anyway, I guess the real question is whatever will "Cake" Davis do without him?


    1. Kathy may cut down on the crap, because she is so full of it that she no longer can levitate.

      We all wonder what the real story is behind Bates leaving so abruptly on the eve of the big marathon.

    2. I don't want to speculate, since it could be so many things. What I do find interesting is Reimers threats towards producers if they don't get WBAI Buddies, etc. Maybe that was one, but not the only possible cause. Reimers does seem to be getting angry at producers these days, doesn't he?

      Anyway, maybe they can bring back Mario Murillo to work his wonders? He can bring a coffin, hammer and that final nail...


  11. Reimers is angry because he fears losing his 100k salary. He is underpaid compared to his contemporaries, but still... Mario's return would open the station to lawsuits from abused and violated producers.

    1. Others unquestionably receive a larger salary for this job, but don’t forget they don’t stay for years if they don’t do the job this event has never done anything positive or WBAI, that I know of.

  12. Please inform me if you witness anyone at WBAI slander and defame me, or steal my materials and properties contact me at I become very ill and was attacked by the WBAI gang at the same time I was suffering in a coma from hospital neglect. I will publish the story it began after a car accident . I recently have become well enought to attempt communication . Please assist me.
