Saturday, June 1, 2013

When charity does not begin at home...

They used to say that charity begins at home, but what, exactly, is home? Let's take a look at WBAI's home page...

On the right, we see Bertold Reimers touted Transmitter Fund thermometer. Is there something wrong with it, or has only $15,505 been raised in the past 37 days? Remember, the monthly rent for the transmitter room is $60,000—you do the math.

Thermometer on April 25, 2013
June 1, 2013
Could it be that the WBAI website is dormant due to layoffs? No, that can't be it, be-cause if you look at the site's most prominent spot, the one with the shift-ing mess-ages, there is a recent entry for an upcoming event: The Left Forum. Click on it and you will find that it has several layers that not only advertise this non-WBAI event, but also allows you to sign up for registration—and pay them a fee!

It's a little bit like Jeannie Hopper's boat rides and Ifé's hippety-hop "community"* dance do's, except that the Left Forum does not seem to be sharing any of its money with WBAI. Unless, of course, they paid for this elaborate multi-tiered ad. But that's probably not the  case, because the current WBAI is very generous when it comes to handing out free advertising.

They do, however, offer "premiums," drops of tap water that cure all ills come to mind, and—of course—the the scams and blather of people who can only be found at WBAI, for reasons you might have guessed.

There's another saying..."A turd in hand..."

* In the minds of Reimers' inner circle, "community" refers to people of color.

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