Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Are the wheels grinding?

KPFA had an LSB Meeting 17 March, most of which was concerned with lengthy discussion of their voting snarls, entanglements, and disputes, but which also included such items as their financials and some related wider-scale financial observations.

I’ve excerpted only items of possible general interest as to finances, as seen from their local perspective.

‘We have not been doing them on time since… I think 2012/2013… I think the reasons change… They lost Efron in the National Office, who was a wiz, and I don’t know that they have somebody who’s as capable right now… BAI uses Quickbooks… it’s really crazy…. also, their software… it becomes very difficult to produce what should be a simple thing….’

No shocking news here, though the reference to the current CFO struck me as of some interest.

So, then, as the rumors of a Grand Solution Negotiation are afloat somewhere in the æther, these are the most recent tidbits to come my weary way…

~ ‘indigo’


  1. It is starting to smell like a not-for-profit payday loan scheme. Might get better than a fig loan rate from a corner loan shark. The oan broker feels like one of the cons run in American Hustle. Sad how the listeners are being asked to shoulder obligations that responsible parties at Pacifica have ignored.

  2. My perception, for what little it may be worth, is that responsible voices at WBAI/Pacifica are viewed by the body as a whole as unworthy of consideration.

    ~ ‘indigopirate’

  3. I have always suspected that Berthold and Tony are mediocre grifters. Maybe Kathy and Andrea, too. Juuusssst smart enough to realize that there's some serious money floating in and out of bai without any reliable accounting. They could even rationalize their grift as part of their compensation for all the bs they have to endure. They don't seem motivated enough by radio to devote their lives to saving a horrible fake radio station merely for the sake of radio in itself, so something like a payday loan scheme could account for their true motives.

    After Berthold lands in prison where he belongs, I think bai could be a case study in a nonprofit mba class about the importance of accounting transparency, even in a seemingly small fry non profit.

    1. You're giving them too much credit. They're just incompetent. A true grifter would want to establish the veneer of a healthy station to hide whatever else may be happening. They're not even trying. According to Reimers, they're barely meeting monthly expenses with fundraisers but falling behind on accrued debt. Instead of trying something different, they're just lengthening the time and frequency of fundraisers and offering bizarre premiums.
