Friday, September 15, 2017

"Muted" mooing

Last night, September 14, 2017, as interested people were reading the just published Bill Crosier summary of recent developments at Pacifica, another PNB telephone meeting was streamed. It lasted well over an hour, all of which was spent combatting the disruptive and by now very tiresome delaying antics of Cerene Roberts, Adriana Casenave, the Uhuru misfit and other JUC lemmings.

The full, dreary, predictable meeting is posted at, but here's a brief, typical example. I have dickered with the sound, but this defaced clip makes as little sense as the real thing, which can be heard at This is the sort of thing that has brought Pacifica ever so slowly to the brink of extinction. The final push might come from the Empire State Building on October 4—courtesy of WBAI's fake management.


  1. WBAI off air due to a power outage and the only word is a an orange text box on the homepage? OK.

    1. That's a very long power outage (so long that it spared us from having Bob Fass this morning) and, I suspect, another tall tale from the little amateur accountant who poses as GM.

      These are crooks.

    2. Even crooks can be competent. Couldn't they find time to send updates out explaining the problem and saying they're still streaming and to apologize for any inconvenience? This certainly won't help the fundraising efforts Bill was talking about.

    3. The streaming was turned off, too.

      It is only during marathons that they show any courtesy towards listeners.

  2. Its ironic that Adriana and Cerene are just sticklers for the rules when they're doing all they can to undermine the PNB meeting. I'm glad that Jonathan the chair is at least calling them on their BS.

  3. No more orange box on the website? I guess all is well. Now I see a bod about a new program called 'Black Seinfeld'? What's that about Chris?

  4. Chris,

    Please do not refer to Berthold Reimers as the accountant. Berthold is a data entry clerk and he probably only knows to enter data by punch cards.

    Thank you.

    Ed Manfredonia

    1. I referred to him as "amateur accountant"—that should tell you how I feel about his alleged qualifications.

  5. Chris - once again THANK YOU for this blog, particularly for your work exposing Robert Knight. Some news you might be interested - Robert Knight used to get paid for five days work when in reality, he only worked two. This was arranged by the General Manager, Valerie Van Isler, who also doubled as his lover. He was the only staffer to get paid cab rides to and from his home and to Valerie's home. This information was revealed in the aftermath of the Christmas Coup in 2000. Utrice Leid, who took over, put an end to that kickback. Robert and Valerie were crooks to the core. Part of a long tradition of manure. R. Paul Martin was aware of this and as usual did nothing.


  6. I agree with the asshole clique on one thing - they need to find a new chairman for these shindigs. This guy plays their game in eating up time bickering with them and taking forever to take any action against them, even though he has the means to do it.

    A minor note regarding WBAI and Fass, in case this hasn't been mentioned on WBAI yet. Randi Ripley, the actual owner of WIOFLP FM (via his being CEO of Birds Of A Feather Media Limited, which owns the station), which airs Babbling Bob's show, died this past week, as reported by Allan Weiner on his Allan Weiner Worldwide show on WBCQ shortwave this past Friday evening. I don't know if this could have an effect on Radio Unlistenable. We'll have to see who takes over the station, I guess.

    Anyway, don't bemoan his death. As the number of ex friends he had can attest to, he was a spoiled little creep who thought he was the arbiter of who had the right of free speech and who didn't.

    If anyone cares, here's a quick bio. Ripley ran Queens, NY based pirate station Stereo Nine FM in the '70s to late '80s, was one of David Wynyard's main crank callers, was involved in the Radio Newyork International fiasco, was an engineer at WBCQ (having a major falling out with Allan Weiner when Ripley decided not to play a Brother Stair show and went on the air criticizing Weiner and others for various things then being fired), had falling outs with everyone he once called "friend," ended up in Woodstock, NY and owner of WIOFLP FM.


    1. Thanks, SDL, for yet another aside that may be more on point than it seems.

      BTW, let me note the unobserved passing of Ivan, who stood up to racketeer Reimers when that idiot tried to blur the opera glass. Had Ivan been a person of darker hue, his memory would surely have been honored.

      Apropos that, I direct my thanks to Reggie Johnson for revealing that oversight and devoting his "From the Soundboard" io a sincere tribute featuring Ivan's favorite tenor, Jussi Björling. Reggie is not the best when it comes to his job, but he is among the few decent WBAI insiders.
