Sunday, April 1, 2018

Fools rush in... again!

It's April 1, but this is probably not a joke. Have abandoned FaceBook for good, but this came on just now. Look who signed it—the thugs are becoming increasingly desperate...

Download or view a complete PDF version here.


  1. The board members have not acted in the best interests of Pacifica. How can they be removed?

  2. It’s clear that the PNB voted not to pursue Ch11, which they were solidly advised was the only/best hope for Pacifica, in order to pursue an agenda they preferred for their interests at their particular station at the expense of Pacifica.

    That won’t matter with respect to legality. Legal and regulatory authorities have chosen, for whatever reasons, to ignore Pacifica’s longstanding violations for quite some time now.

    The amusing part is that these amateur Machiavellis fail to consider the complications easily foreseen a bit down the road. It’s not an uncommon failing. Can you say ‘Trump’?

  3. No wonder everything's been in secret closed session. More to save themselves from embarrassment, incompetence and dirty dealings than because of any real confidentiality issues.

  4. Agreed. WBAI/Pacifica was actually far more open long ago when there were no formal claims of ‘openness’ and ‘democracy’ and ‘listener-government.’ With folks like Chris Albertson and Ed Goodman things were pretty darn open, it was simply clear that someone had to make decisions, and that was management, and that management was in turn responsible for producing radio of quality that mattered to listeners and which they’d support. Within that structure WBAI/Pacifica mattered culturally, and on the whole did quite well. Well enough, for example, to move to ‘The Church’ on E 62nd.

    With the following advocate/political/‘democratic’ regimes which followed after the coup by Percy Sutton’s people in the late 1970s, there have been elaborate claims of listener participation and management, along with accompanying claims of ‘openness’ etc, but it’s all been… what’s the appropriate term… oh, right, Lies.

    That’s it.

    Now not that this is in any way new for an organization, or a government, or an individual, but it’s fairly ridiculous as well as a bit foul-smelling in this case, given where this particular ogranization began.

    Then again, organizations are flipped as to their purpose all the time.

    It happens. It happened here, quite a while ago, and with lack not only of integrity but more importantly a lack of any talent, or for that matter actual (as opposed to proclaimed) purpose, they’re ever nearer oblivion.

    Incidentally, anyone notice that this SoCal finance/loan/iED move is led by folks who made their money in the real estate game?


  5. Why would Pacifica post this internal confidential document to its Facebook page? Doesn't make sense. Where did this document come from? It looks and reads like a genuine letter from their General Counsel ... but without sourcing the document, it's highly suspect.
