Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sign the damn will....and die!!!

Berthold Reimers is so out of touch with reality that even his budget is based on intangible expectations of income from the great beyond. This apparently is not uncommon in Nueva Pacifica, but the make-believe manager appears to be particularly adept at flashing Monopoly money to create a blur. 

Here, KPFA's Twit Wit Radio deals with the subject in a satire that neither WBAI's CCCP "comedians" nor its dumbed down listeners (aka the BAI Five) would have the capacity to comprehend.


  1. Operation Gladio, Helena Blavatsky, station bequests all in one show. Talk about all over the enjoyable place.


    1. I like the fact that this is not spoon-fed comedy. Can you imagine feeding this to WBAI's present audience?

    2. Three people would even know what Operation Gladio was. Adding Banco Ambrosiano, Roberto Calvi, Michele Sindona, Licio Gelli, Propaganda Due, Vatican Bank, Red Brigades, Stefano Delle Chiaie, etc. would be a stretch

      Blavatsky? A few "Cake" Davis' listeners, maybe...

      Both? One ex listener and one ex GM :)


  2. Speaking of death and money. When I was tuning around the FM band earlier I heard WBAI begging for money in MLK's name. Talk about low. However, they could use dead people more often as a "money for martyrs" beg-a-thon angle - Malcom X, Gus Hall, Che Guevara, Cesar Chavez, Paul Robeson, etc. The JFK one should do well, with all those conspiracy premiums they have available...


    1. Wouldn't it have been nice if they had used this day to honor Martin Luther King's memory rather than to cash in on his death? How about Maothon?

    2. Idi Amin "Dada" would fit in with the current vibe a lot better. Bernard White would be the ideal host.
      However, considering the low intellect of the station, an Amos & Andy tribute may be more appropriate. They could even get Max Schmid to throw some premiums together for them..


    3. Bernard White is on WBAI right now, with a couple of station bozos. They are pushing the "Selma" film, which is having a fundraising screening.

      How appropriate is that? Eh? "Selma" is a distortion of history, twisted to minimize Johnson's input... in other words, it's being used to extract money from listeners by broadcasting agenda-driven half-truths.

      Bernard White? He drained money from WBAI, then sued the Foundation for a very large sum. Racism and dishonesty thrive at WBAI with blessings from Reimers and Murillo.

      Frankly, it will good to see all this go down the drain, but only because it will take these racist ignoramuses along for the plunge.

      They bar Sidney from the station for life, based upon undocumented allegations, but crooks like White have an open door with access to the open microphone. Disgusting!

    4. Maybe WBAI and Bernie should do a James Earl Ray day? They have him to thank for being able to use a dead man for their self-centered purposes. Just disgusting.

      I've called Pacifica gutless cowards before and will do so again. To let White on ANY Pacifica property is simply a reprehensible act of cowardice.

      Only WBAI can make Null and his hawking colored Stuff look more honest than their own programming..


    5. When you think of how large the black population is in this area, it's amazing that WBAI ends up with such lowlife.

    6. Actually, it shows you what a failure WBAI is that they try to think of themselves as a black station yet can't even make a small dent in the black community. Think about it: black people don't want to hear their shit! In fact, they probably have more New Age metaphysics conspiracy and pseudo health oriented listeners than anything else.


    7. I wouldn't mind any of this if they covered King's Boston University PhD thesis plagiarism in 1955.


    8. Small minds attract small minds, and share their little world with them. They need to believe that they hold the key. I think their stagnancy is partly a byproduct of personal failure—they live in the past, confined by narrow vision and, ironically, their strained efforts to maintain or intensify the very racist atmosphere they purport to condemn. Imbecillic opportunism.

      The problem is that, as they are stuck in the status quo of earlier decades, WBAI's supporting audience has moved on. With so much work still to be done to obtain Dr. King's dream, they are still dwelling on the past, and when situations like Ferguson, etc. occur, they don't really seek solutions. Instead, they embellish.

      Lou Schweitzer used to say that RCA was behind every major innovation in electronic communication. "Way behind," he would add. One could draw an analogy when speaking of WBAI's alleged "coverage."

    9. KGT, from what I recall, that appeared to be a case of missing attribution, which could be due to sloppiness, but might, in fact be plagiarism. So, if it was that, considering the man's subsequent achievements and positive impact on our lives, why would you want the subject reintroduced over half a century later?

    10. His " I've Got a Dream' speech" was also misattributed from a speech at the Republican Convention in Chicago in 1952 from the invocation read by Archibald Carey, Jr. These two type of things railroaded the presidential aspirations of Joe Biden in 1987, but forgive me for mentioning something negative about a "sacred cow".
