Thursday, January 8, 2015

Crisis reality

The news of Mario Murillo's planned and implemented program changes brought nudged our optimism, but the current fiscal mismanagement and general neglect cast an ominous shadow on hopes for his efforts to succeed. The following puzzlement from Tracy Rosenberg and R. Paul Martin's response underscore the validity of skepticism and those calls for front office firings. 


  1. This may be a simplistic question, but where are these mythical documents that no one can obtain supposed to be located? Is there even any evidence that they exist? Or is it just rumor and belief?

    I guess past debt doesn't count, since the idea is to wiggle out of it.



    1. The PC Show guys steered them wrong when they told them apples are for eating, and recommended that dot matrix printer and Lotus 1-2-3 beta, or was it VisiCalc?

    2. Maybe my question is better suited to The Brady Bunch and all those demons, UFOs, etc. The UMMO spirits may know. Ever get the feeling Brady watched too many reruns of the old British show UFO too many times? Earth being attacked and all that...


    3. I will soon be posting evidence showing how Madame Kathy poses a serious threat to Brady's kookdom. One of these two appears to have listened too closely to the other... or, perhaps, both attended Pat Robertson's Ripley-inspired TV workshops.

    4. In all seriousness here, when I ran into Null for about 15 minutes yesterday seemingly accepting all the guest's crap about angels, I really began to wonder who is rubbing off on whom. Is this stuff going to get even more intense? Is it becoming "the way to go" for this New Age crowd? It seems like all the different sides are getting more outlandish and extreme, throwing all their influences together and accepting all of it without any question. I guess adults like fairy tales, too. Hell, look at any born again Christian show with the audience with their arms up, like John Dillinger is in the house.


    5. We already know that Null no longer cares about his image. if he ever really did. He has been making outrageous claims for years and we have heard him lose his composure on WBAI's air, those idle legal threats, for example.

      I think this man will resort to anything if it might feed his wallet and.or ego. These people are a great hindrance when it comes to restoring WBAI--I still think the only hope lies in getting the dross out (on all levels) and raising real, earmarked money.

  2. @Chris

    With respect: There is no hope of ‘saving’ WBAI/Pacifica. An institution is its people and its culture. These people and this institutional culture have been dead and rotting for decades. They are maggots and maggot-ridden.

    Are you seriously hoping for Last Days and The Resurrection of the Body?

    Doesn’t happen.

    Death happens.

    Though heaven only knows how long the zombie will stumble onward….

    ~ ‘indigo’

    1. Seriously speaking, Indigo, I think I have a better chance of winning the Irish sweepstakes. I paint the resurrection scenario because nothing short of that could possibly prevent the final dissolution of this comatose propaganda machine. Mario Murillo is trying hard and demonstrating that he has a grip on what needs to be done, but the absolute fools in the front office, the bunker, and the foundation make this mission impossible. It is over—no doubt about that—and if the financial circumstances are as felonious as it appears they might be, I hope "Mumia" will have a new live audience for his shallow rants.

      I hope these idiots are asking themselves why they hired so many useless people and why they waited until all the listeners had abandoned the station and only a pitiful few ignoramuses remained to drink the KoolAid.

    2. Points taken.

      I rather suspect that we both suspect that such scoundrels and fools rarely ask such questions, and that what few questions they do ask are as a rule the wrong questions.

      ~ 'indigo'

    3. It's all about people full of self-interest. You never see anyone retiring their show and saying, "I've decided to retire my program because I see it has very little support from the listeners. I would rather think of the station first and have someone use this time for a better purpose." Dancy, Brady, Fass, Sargeant, Martin, Forlano, the list goes on...

      It's all "What's in it for me?" for most of them, whether they admit it or not.

      Think about the very post you used as a graphic for this thread. WBAI is, according to it, $219,000 in the red. That shoudn't be much money for a radio station boasting 50,000 watts in the middle of the FM dial. WBAI should be able to go on the air tomorrow and fill that in no time. It just shows how few loyal, paying listeners the station has.

      A little time shift here and there, a few firings and a new show won't do it. Sorry, but big tits and an elepnant sized body is no basis for putting people on the air.

      I still think Pacifica will plod along in some form, radio stations or webcast only. WBAI? If any license is sold, theirs would be the most logical financially. The ultimate irony would be if it were sold to a Christian corporation.

      Mumia? Put him on with Charles Manson. I think that could be fun. On the second thought, Dump Mumia and just put Manson on. At least he's good for a few giggles...

