Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Something dark happening...

When Geoff Brady feels something dark happening, he's not talking about the "community"......


  1. *looking all innocent and crap while hiding his well worn copy of lavey's satanic bible behind his back*

    Hey, Geoff,
    Nice to know you read our comments. I'm guessing you'll convert to some Christian cult later on in life, since you use a lot of their language. I've seen it before. you've already got the demons and spirits thing going for you.

    Anyway, don't feel so paranoid and persecuted. You really aren't important enough to waste time hating. In fact, I listen to you now and then purely for a good laugh, until I get bored within a few minutes. You and your guests tend to be rather repetative, after all.

    Take it easy and don't get alien abducted and anally probed, without lube, anyway.

    Yours truly,

  2. Shadow problem? Does that mean you have a 5 o'clock shadow, Chris? A good shave will take care of that...


    1. When it comes to WBAI and 5 o'clock shadows, I have a history of aversion. :)

  3. Maybe I should mention that there are a bunch of UFO/Paranormal/Metaphysics internet radio stations. If Brady should find himself dismissed from WBAI, he may find a home with one of them. Of course he could try creating the first psychically transmitted station. That could be interesting...


    1. You seem to have forgotten that he had his aura stolen, some time ago. Unless his replacement aura is an RU 728 (or later), his out-of-body reach is severely limited. Of course, the RU 728 can accommodate the Transego upgrade that came out a couple of years back, but I read in a leading para-medical journal that it often does not work. The reviewer—in an attempt at humor, I suppose--dubbed it as "shadow of a doubt."

      That said, Brady may just have a loose wire.

  4. MACBETH, Act 4, Scene 1 - Shakespeare Witch 2 to Witch 1:
    "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes".


  5. What a damn pathetic BAI pitching attempt!

    This guys is lost. Dr. Jung must be rolling in his grave from the ignorant misuse of his concepts by self-styled mystics. Incidentally, Dr. Jung was the one and only clinician who was able to bring the catatonics back to our world without the use of modern psychiatric drugs, hell, there were no actual psychiatric drugs when Dr. Jung was practicing psychiatry. Little known is the fact that the Nazis stroke Jung's ego and he lent his talent to their cause and developed a system of interrogation for Gestapo, that utilized a crude, but effective lie detector machine, that can compete with the modern polygraph devices, and which Gestapo was able to implement and use to great effect in their interrogations. It just be a form of Divine Retribution that his ideas are being butchered and misrepresented by new age cooks on a left wing radio station....

    1. Brady is embarrassing and an insult to intelligence, yet he has been onWBAI of years. Another reason why I'm not so sure that the impending obliteration is richly deserved.

  6. (JustAListener)

    Who knows what evil lies in the heart of bloggers...The Shadow knows!

  7. Why give to BAI at all if we's all gonna get hit wit a solar blast that will fry our pacemakers? Chicken Little, the sky is falling.

