Friday, September 14, 2018

Lone KPFT Stirs?

This is an excerpt from the archived audio of the KPFT LSB Meeting of 12 September. It was snipped free from the overall meeting audio, but is unedited other than having thrown some compression at it to try and improve the audio quality, which is pretty bad.

This section is Q&A with KPFT’s members of the Pacifica National Board. There are the inevitable disagreements and variant perspectives, but I think a couple of salient points, of general interest, not merely for KPFT but for Pacifica, ring through fairly clear:

Pacifica has long had no fiscal standards. The $3m+ loan was meant to buy time to address that, but that isn’t happening.

NETA, the outside accounting firm which has been brought in, is being balked at every turn, by every unit, with its attempts to get actual financials. Units simply refuse to cooperate.

There are no plans to repay the loan, nor to repay the monies necessary to bring the unpaid pension liabilities into compliance.

The most recent audit included twenty-five pages of details as to Pacifica’s  improper financial practices – none of these have been discussed, nor have there been any attempts to address them.

The point that most sharply struck the Pirate was, ‘What they’ve mostly been talking about is quality of programming… as if… that’s why we’re losing listenership….’

I think that speaks to the point all too clearly.

~ ‘indigopirate’

1 comment:

  1. "Houston, do we have a problem?"

    "No, no problem: it's the world that's upside down . . . keep calm and carry on . . . just ignore DeWayne: he often ends up shouting! . . . yours is the second runway on the left . . . have a nice day!"
