Monday, December 9, 2013

Ghost of Phillips materializes on Labor Radio

This morning, during another mindless Ho Ho show (that can be two hoes or Haskins and
Hennelly, or both—your pick), the alleged iPD (has he done anything yet?) bared his pipe
dream as he declared: 

"WBAI-Labor Radio in New York"

His newfound partner, Haskins, did not repeat that new slogan, although it is something he normally does—he still labels WBAI as "Community Radio," meaning "Black and Brown".
Color it any way that suits your agenda, the sad truth is that WBAI is amateur radio in 
a city that attracts and fosters professionalism. WBAI is increasingly a blight on New York City's FM 
True to form, Hennelly morphed the death of Nelson Mandela into a self-serving spiel 
for labor unions, a drivel drive that made phone stops with various union officials, in
cluding one from Hennelly's DC37 (is he still working for them, officially?), and Haskins 
made the occasional grunt to indicate his approval or disapproval—hard to tell.
They got off labor for a few minutes to run a painfully pedestrian "poem" written and 
read by the highly over-rated Maya Angelou. It was apparently commissioned by the 
government, whose "creative" officials have a very short list of black names with 
which they are familiar (Angelou made an embarrassing appearance in "Roots,").
Apropos embarrassment, one of the phone people, a lady who has written a book 
about unions, touched upon the labor movement's long history of gender and race 
discrimination—this is the sort of thing Robert Hennelly doesn't want to hear, of course.
I was reminded of something Gloria Swanson told me when we were discussing her 
early career. She said that there were many women working behind the camera, but 
that ended when the unions came in.
This has been designated as the first day of yet another fundraising drive, but there 
wasn't much of that kind of activity on this extended drivel time show. 
"Law and Disorder" came on following DN!, and it 
was in a half-assed fundraising mode, but guess what? it was a rerun! At one point, we 
were surprised by the presence of Andrew Phillips...yes, the great Aussie hope 
Reese hired and then scared off! He wanted us to know that Hartman has joined 
WBAI and will be heard at 9 "this evening."
Did the current bozos not learn anything about operating a radio station? 
WBAI's slow suicide will eventually work and New York will be the better for it.
How's that for a depressing observation? 


  1. We should start a pool to guess what will go out over the air on Monday evenings - Black Helicopters? Alien abduction? Reptiles? Pyrimad power? Cloud seeding? the dastardly secret world government plots?


  2. Color it any way that suits your agenda, the sad truth is that WBAI is amateur radio in
    a city that attracts and fosters professionalism. WBAI is increasingly a blight on New York City's FM

    for 20 years it's been like this.....
